Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Neon Dwarf Gourami's, Amano Shrimp and a Mystery Plecostmus...

A few days after getting my plants I made my weekly visit to my LPS and found a pleco hanging out in one of the tanks. the tank wasn't marked with a price for a pleco, so I asked what it was. They weren't exactly sure, but thought it came in with the Clown Plecostomus. He sold it to me as such, but we both knew it wasn't a Clown. I've posted a few pictures below. Hopefully someone will see him and know what he is.


I'm so proud of myself for taking these pictures while he was still in the bag because he's impossible to catch out of hiding. Please reply to this post if you know what he might be and / or have any information about him. I'm really curious.  

The same day I got him, I got an Amano Shrimp and a pair of Neon Dwarf Gourami's. I wanted to get something to stay on top of potential algae issues on the plants and something else to add more color to the tank.


I really liked the Amano Shrimp, but the Neon Dwarf Gourami's kept chasing the Cherry Shrimp around and I'm convinced they took out 2 of them. I took both Gourami's back to my LPS the next day.

1 comment:

  1. I bought the same pleco a few months ago. He passed only a few weeks after we got him because he refused to eat anything. He was beautifully colored, and I could never figure out what he was.
